Event Details
Member Businesses, Municipalities, Partners of the Addison County Economic Development Corporation, and honored guests:
In accordance with the bylaws of the organization, warning is herein provided to the membership of the Addison County Economic Development Corporation of the 2023 Annual Membership Meeting.
WHEN: Thursday, November 2, 2023, from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
WHERE: Middlebury Inn, 16 Court Square, Middlebury, Vermont
- Each member business may send up to four representatives to the Annual Meeting. However, only one representative of each member business may cast a vote. Please select which attending member will cast votes for your business.
- If you cannot attend the Annual Meeting, please designate someone else from your business to attend and pass along this invitation.
- Partner Members (Non-profit regional organizations who are members of ACEDC): we welcome your attendance, but please do not vote.
7:15: Registration at door (if not pre-registered)
7:35: Business Meeting
7:50: Review of Annual Activity
8:15: ACEDC Client Panel
View the full agenda, including the slate of new and continuing Board Members for approval, here.
View the 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes for approval, here.
View ACEDC's FY23 Annual Impact Report, here.
PANELISTS: Alessandra Rellini, Agricola Meats; Bram Kleppner, Danforth Pewter; Colin Davis, Shacksbury Cider; Kevin Harper, Bristol Bakery & Café Wholesale/Stoney Hill Properties.
Please register before close of business on Friday October 27, 2023. Cost is $25 per person. You may pay when you register or pay at the door.
Looking forward to seeing you on November 2nd!